We in the Kirk of Calder seek with God's help to encourage and give opportunity to all to grow together in faith and service.
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  Our Church REGEN2025 Church News 
Last updated 30th January 2025

Kirk of Calder is a 16th Century Church built on the site of an earlier 12th Century Church.

Today's Church is the Parish Church for Mid Calder and Pumpherston; it has a active congregation with services each Sunday.

During the summer months, it opens  between 2 and 4pm to allow visitors the
opportunity to view and learn some of its long and fascinating history with guides on hand to provide tours.

The Church is part of the local community, a place of worship and where its history and its rich heritage are shared.

A Church has stood on the site since the 12th century. Kirk of Calder, The present church dates from 1541 with an extension added in the 1860s. Two carved stone Celtic crosses, survive from the original Church, one is on display within the Church.

The Church has close links with the Reformation and John Knox was a regular preacher and one of its ministers helped draft the Scots Confession of 1560. The first reformed communion after the Reformation took place in nearby Calder house.

 The Church was also at the centre of persecution, and at least 5 women were tried and convicted under the witchcraft act. Information about these events is available in the Church.

The Church was also a place of worship for Frederic Chopin during his time in Scotland. James ‘Paraffin’ Young and his family were regular worshipers and the family later donated a number of fine stain glass widows. It is believed that the explorer David Livingston also visited the Church. Call to worship is made each Sunday by the 17th century Rotterdam bell. 

"The Friends of Kirk of Calder" open the church to visitors 2- 4pm on Sundays, May to September and the Co-ordinator is Mr. John Jamieson 01506-411722.

For those who can't visit John Jamieson has prepared a 14minute long Virtual Tour you can view here or click the image.


We were fortunate the last three seasons to host a special exhibition within the Kirk by a separate organisation called "The Calder Witch Hunt ".  The Kirk was the actual setting for some of the trials and even where some of the "witches" were tried and tortured. We are hosting this again in the 2024 season

More details here

A memorial Plaque was commissioned and placed in the Vestry in 2023

Link to the Witches memorial Website https://witches.is.ed.ac.uk/memorials

View the YouTube video on its installation here https://youtu.be/966a0WZR928



The Kirk minutes and Witch Hunt Exhibition

The Calder Witch Hunt have a comic book created by brilliantly talented artist Caitlyn Bannatyne and it tells the stories of the people who were affected by the Calder Witch Hunt.


The Kirk of Calder is situated on Main Street, Mid Calder, EH53 0AN
what3words address ///lifeguard.cherubs.endings

Walk round the historic Kirk of Calder on a sunny day is another new addition to he YouTube videos  Click the photo below to watch and listen

The Choir sing a selection of Traditional Scottish Songs Pop-up Sing along including Street Songs lasting 16 minutes. Click here or on image below Their You Tube Channel can be accessed from this link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm290UIhbwCTjkwBwyttm7w



Windows and altar

Some Pew Graffiti    

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Over the past 3 years the Kirk of Calder have had a fundraising campaign to raise £60,000 for property and maintenance work at the Church, Glenalmond Hall, and the Manse.

This has also helped to support the church mission and its ability to deliver pastoral services in the local community and beyond, and perhaps in the future to provide new video and audio systems to enhance the Church services and events. 

ReGen 2025 is also focusing on extending friendship and fellowship both within the Church and local area It has helped create the infrastructure to attract a new minister.

ReGen2025 Total raised to date approx £41,000


Current Events

Bingo Night for REGEN25

Refreshments, cake and biscuits included!


Some Recent Past Events

Sunday Club Nativity was held during the morning service on
Sunday 22nd December 2024

This is the West Lothian Courier's feature on the Nativity


This Mid Calder Christmas Tree Lighting  Service was held on Saturday 7th December in the Kirk at 6pm.
Following the service a Torchligh
t procession left the Kirk to the Village Green for the switch on of the lights.

Charity Concert in the Kirk held on Friday 6th December 2024

Christmas Fair - Glenalmond Hall
Saturday 30th November 2024
This event raised £850.00

Guild Christmas Coffee Morning
Saturday 23rd November 2024
Despite the weather this event raised £400.00!

Sunday 10th November
Remembrance Service at War Memorial

Charity concert on 25th October 2024 with The Cantilena Ladies Choir raised £265

Talent show

     And the winner is  ...........
 Amazing Grace!
This fun event raised £350.00 for ReGen25


Edinburgh Kiltwalk
Sunday 15th September 2024
Has raised £3,100




Pop In Café – Every Tuesday from 10am – 12pm at the Glenalmond Hall. Tea, coffee, soft drinks, and cake all proceeds to ReGen 2025 project. Everyone welcome

 Visit the Fundraising page to see earlier REGEN 2025 activities

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      Service every Sunday at 10:30am

bulletNext Service  
*Sunday 2nd February 2025 Rev Sheena Orr
*Sunday 9th February 2025 Rev Sheena Orr
*Wednesday 12th February 2025 at 7:00pm
   (Induction of Rev. William Watt - see below)
*Sunday 16th February 2025 Rev William Watt.

Rev William Watt, our new minister, will have his induction service on Wednesday 12th February in the Kirk at 7:00pm followed with a reception also in the church. Doors will open at 6:30 pm. As there will be additional visitors - a number of Presbytery members and also a delegation from Williams's previous Parish (Corstorphine Old), parking is anticipated to be at a premium and if you are able, consider car share or walking to church that evening. Parking marshals will be on duty.

William's bio (that appeared in the 27th October service's intimations) can be viewed here.

bulletTeas and Coffee in the Glenalmond Hall after most  morning services -all welcome.

Rev. Liam Fraser was welcomed as our New Interim Moderator at the Session Meeting on 26th June 24. His last session meeting was held on 29th January 2025.


Debbie Fleming a solicitor with KW Law has now on five occasions offered the opportunity to meet members of the congregation, to discuss the preparation of a Will and/or Power of Attorney.  If you are interested on a future appointment please indicate your interest to - Susan Adams susanmjadams@aol.com Donations (min £50.00) for this service to REGEN2025

bulletThe Sunday Club is now fully running. 4 to 11 year olds meet every Sunday in the church at 10:30 and after the children's sermon go on to the Glenalmond Hall* for fun lessons for pick up at 11:30pm when the main service finishes.

      The Sunday Club had a trip to the Edinburgh fringe      
      Festival in August and interfaced with the performers!     

bulletThe Sunday Opening of the Kirk (including the Calder Witch Hunt Exhibition) has now closed for the season. It is open 2pm to 4pm from May to September. Free Entry
bulletA box for Donations for the West Lothian Foodbank and toiletries for Dignity Box can both be left at the main door.


A great new drone picture (Page banner and above) of the Kirk by local Droneography expert Liam Bullerwell who has kindly agreed that it can be reproduced here

If you click the picture above you can see Liam's Video Drone Fly Past of the Church lasting 38 seconds. Please note it takes a little while to load or it will buffer so its best to let it load fully first before playing!

Our grateful thanks go to the Rev Liam Fraser, Rev Gordon Jamieson and the Rev. Nanda Groenewald who have previously all in turn undertaken on the Interim Moderator role during the last 3 years years and have guided us through to getting a new minister in post.

The Kirk of Calder Parish Profile is on the Church of Scotland's website and can be viewed here

DUO  Fiona and John
Message from our musical director - Free performances!
Hi everyone,
We sing a variety of styles including classic pop, country and ballads, with special requests taken in advance of bookings. Available, free of charge, for community and charity events, concerts and entertainment for local groups, care homes, etc. With an extensive repertoire, we tailor the set list to your audience and venue. See us at regular Wee Concerts held in Glenalmond hall.
We are in the process of planning our music entertainment for the next few months. Easy listening, well known songs and a bit of nonsense. 
Contact at    john.rankine@lineone.net
Web- www.chvocalmusic.co.uk
To hear some of the music we perform at the moment, 
you can hear us on You Tube Sampler. 

The Kirk's Highlights Community Choir are looking for new Voices!

View West Lothian Council Memorial Service 16th September 2022 Slideshow Pics 38 seconds long click here https://fb.watch/fBTtaeYJ3O/

View West Lothian Council Memorial Service for the Queen on 16th September 2022 (click link) 48 minutes long https://fb.watch/fBUtCjJK8O/

Kirk of Calder service for Sunday 18th September 2022 - Gordon Pennykid can be viewed at the link below.

Previous weekly services during the pandemic and the recovery can be accessed here  (If anyone can't access this the sermons are also available on DVD's- contact Eleanor Blair 01506 881302) Please Note -services are no longer routinely recorded


The congregation of Livingston Old Parish Church , the congregation of Livingston United Parish Church  and the congregation of Kirk of Calder Parish Church shall form a Parish Grouping called the Livingston Parishes Grouping.


Each church shall continue with the Parish boundaries, ministries , session all remaining as ay present, and continue to maintain their own buildings.

 Areas of Co-operation:

Deliver weekly church services, joint pastoral care initiatives and community involvement projects. Actively develop the mission skills of the church elders and congregations to employ more of the untapped and underutilised inherent talents within the congregations of these three churches to encourage the young to participate and lapsed members to reengage in the life of the church. Seek to transform unjust structures of society, challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation through joint pastoral care initiatives and community care and youth engagement projects. Actively develop further the community support initiatives, thrift shops, community cafes and community events, to bring young and old together in fellowship and fuller participation in the life of the church.

Sustain and renew the life of the earth through shared church, community and other local and  world environment protection projects. Actively develop further the eco church activities already within the three churches and their links to communities in other areas in Scotland and beyond.

The Guild meet (Sept-Nov and Feb-April) on the second and fourth Thursdays of these months - The meetings are held at 2pm in the Glenalmond Hall

The Choral Highlights Choir meet on Wednesday evenings in the Church at 7:30pm  New members welcome. Contact John Rankine 01506 880029



Inside view of the  Bell Tower


 The Kirk in 1547

  For More photos visit the Kirk's Photo Gallery 

Kirk of Calder Giving 

Please see Accounts and Donations page

Please visit the Photo Gallery to see all aspects of the Church


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Visit the Photo Gallery here

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Kirk of Calder Parish (Church of Scotland) is registered Scottish Charity No SCO13461

Zoom Web Designs  "are pleased to manage and maintain this website and its domain, as a contribution to the Church's work."